Asli - TS Escort in Istanbul, Turkey

Istanbul, Turkey
Last On: 20 Oct, 2022
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Age 28
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ts escort in Istanbul, Turkey
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About Me

hi to all i am asli pre op girl based in beylikddüzü 15 minute away to Atatürk airport. i am 28 years old ,have blond hairs blue eyes and 19 cm present in my pants.
i am well known shemale girl in turkey eaisy going funny and charming,fragrant,stunning baby.
when you come to turkey İstanbul dont hesisate to call me WHO i am definitely your right girl,lets we play our games naugty, i can be eiasly top or if you want bottom, beginner welcome loves from İstanbul.
note: my english not good it is better you send me message on my phone or my whats app thank or call my friend balimnaz her phone +90536 674 57 58 she help us for our meeting.

phone : +90534 337 35 58

Merhaba Ben Beylikdüzünden Kupa Kızı Aslı . Toplumumuzun Beyninde Oluºmuº Negatif Travesti Imajını Tamamen Değiºtirebilecek Zeka Kültür Ve Güzel Bir Fiziğe Sahibim...İsteğe Göre A+P Olabiliyorum . Benimle İlgili Daha Detaylı Bilgiler Için 0534 337 35 58 Nolu telimdenulaºablirsiniz.

phone : +90534 337 35 58

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