NaomiCurtina - Pre-op TS Escort in Savannah, GA

Savannah, GA
Last On: 25 Mar, 16:47
my location
Home Savannah, GA
GPS Savannah, GA
Distance N/A
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my stats
I Am Pre-op
Age 28
Ethnicity Mixed
Body Slim
Position Versatile
Height 5'9" - 174 cm
Weight 170lbs - 77 kg
Hair Black
Eye Color Black
Breasts Medium
Penis Size 9 In - 22cm
Butt Round /bubble butt/
Available For Men
Circumcised Yes
Tattoos Yes
Piercings Yes
Smoking Yes
Thickness Average
Health Status
HIV Status Negative
ts escort in Savannah, GA
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About Me

French and Brazilian VIP Trans FaceTime Verify

First Off FaceTime for Verification
I love to spend quality time one-on-one with a discerning gentlemen. Whether you are an old pro at doing this or you are a complete newbie.
My sense of fun and humor is never far from anything I do and I am a very playful girl. I simply love to flirt and enjoy driving men crazy with my flirtatious behaviors that keeps them coming back for more again and again. I am a great lover of games of all sorts. I love them all and cannot wait to add new ones to my routine.
As a small town girl, I still have those childhood values that were imparted on me while I was growing up. Always friendly and eager to try new things, I have a well-defined adventurous streak as well. While I always enjoy a night out on the town, complete with dinner and dancing at a trendy club, I also enjoy intimate encounters between the two of us in the comfort of your hotel room. Cuddling and enjoying each others company so that I can make you happy

Twitter @Kreamzkammy
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